Congratulations to the candidates who made it through the primary. For those whose campaigns will not continue, thank you for your hard work the past months and for showing the voters how the election system works. I appeal to everyone, now it is time to unite under a common banner, to lock arms, and join as one, to face our true opponent–the current administration in the county and the country. Your fellow Republicans are not your adversaries; we have our differences to be sure, but to stay divided and fragmented is not the way to win in November. Let’s get conservatives voted into offices and then civilly discuss our disagreements. Just know, St Clair County also needs some changes as well as the federal government. It’s the local elections which affect your family first. Help us turn St Clair RED!
We’re No. 1!
By State Rep. Kevin Schmidt
WalletHub has released its updated ranking of the tax burdens of all 50 states and the District of Columbia and Illinois has the distinction of being the highest taxed state in the nation.
Sadly, Illinois ends up being Number One on too many lists like this one. What makes the situation even worse for taxpayers is the fact that despite all of the taxes we pay, our state is in financial ruin.
Instead of dealing with the state’s financial woes, the Governor is proposing to spend even more money we don’t have and, of course, he wants to raise taxes yet again. The Governor’s proposed budget is $52.7 billion, which represents a major increase from the $50.4 Billion budget approved last May. Without the Governor’s proposed tax and fee increases, the budget would be about $750 million short.
This is the story of Illinois. We have the highest tax burden in the nation and our Governor wants to RAISE taxes instead of getting spending under control so that we can lower the tax burden in Illinois and bring people back to our state.
The only thing we can do to stop this madness is to elect more fiscally responsible legislators to the Statehouse. We need Republicans to gain seats in the Legislature in this cycle if we have any hope of bringing commonsense back to Springfield. I am locked in a tough rematch race with LaToya Greenwood. Taking this seat back is the top priority of the Democrats. If we are going to gain seats in the Legislature, we cannot afford to lose ground. I need your help to win. Talk to your friends, your relatives, and your coworkers about getting involved in this race. We can’t change what happens in other districts, but we can have an impact on what is happening in our own backyard. Let’s send a message to the tax hikers by defeating LaToya Greenwood and sending me back to Springfield.
Looking at the results of the Primary, interesting details can be noted. These results are still incomplete since the deadline for Vote By Mail ballots isn’t until later this week. The results shown are only for St Clair; East St Louis Election board results are not shown.
The Dems had 4,700 votes banked before election day. Reps only had 1,700. Before the polls opened on March 19th, the Dems already had 49% of their votes cast, Reps had 16%. This was just the primary, the General Election in November will be critical because the stakes are so high.
Lessons learned:
1. Request your VBM ballot. Either turn it into the Election Dept
in person or get your PC to deliver it for you. Call our office
for help.
2. Another option would be to go to an early voting site and
cast your vote before the actual election day.
3. Get your friends and family to vote conservative and do it
Until we can elect enough Republicans voted into office so the election process can be returned to safer elections, we must use the rules in place and out vote our opponents.
Thank you to Phil Henning for some analysis.
East St Louis
3798 total ballots cast
51 Republican ballots cast
Joe Biden: 8239 (Only SCC)
Donald Trump: 8416 (Only SCC)
2,083 R’s did not vote for Donald Trump
Mike Bost: 4521
Darren Bailey: 1670
Kevin Schmidt: 4032 SCC 27 ESL = 4059
LaToya Greenwood: 2328 SCC 2989 ESL = 5317
Budzinksi: 5969
Loyd: 1995
Clatterbuck: 1684
If we combine Loyd and Clatterbuck: 3659 for Republicans total
Dean Darnall: 7527
Calvin Dye: 8635 Both Only SCC
Thompson: 8299
Warma: 8318 Both only SCC
Meet the Candidates
April through October we will be hosting events where you can meet and get to know the candidates. The third Thurs of each month will be a Candidate’s Table, held around the county for the convenience of the voters. Mark your calendars for this regular event.
If you voted in the primary, you noticed there were several offices where there wasn’t a Republican candidate. The law has given us another option to get those positions filled for the November ballot. We have a number of candidates who will be slated. They will have paperwork to fill out, petition signatures to gather, deadlines to meet. We ask for your participation by signing their petitions. These will be in our Swansea office. Take one sheet and get 10 signatures of your friend; this would help tremendously. The slating process will start mid-April.
Let Loose on a Saturday!
Tickets are still available for the Chicken & Beer Dance this month. The band is popular in our area. Come enjoy the music! Tickets are available at the door.
The IL State GOP Convention will be in Collinsville. Now is the time to purchase your ticket to attend the meetings, events, and training which will be offered.
April 5th Pre-Reception for the Convention
What an opportunity to mix with leaders of the GOP and support the state Convention! This is a lead up to the May convention. Tickets and sponsorships are available here.
Your County Government at work…
St Clair County Board Report, March 2024
1. We issued a Proclamation for Ms. Gabby Orlet, a student at Althoff Catholic High School for her achievements in varsity basketball and her outstanding academic records plus her induction into the National Honor Society among other academic organizations.
2. We approved the appointment of Stephanie Scurlark-Belt to complete term of Billie Jean Miller, due to her passing, as a Member of the St Clair Housing Authority until 31 Oct 2024.
3. We approved a new “Mutual Aid Box Alarm System Agreement.” This agreement assures fire department mutual aid to protect life and property.
4. The Finance Committee submitted, and we approved that St Clair County can participate in the State of Illinois Federal Surplus Property program.
5. We also approved a recommendation by the Finance Committee to approve the purchase of 3 Ford Explorer police interceptive Sheriff patrol cars. The cost is $143, 325 through the state fleet purchase from Bob Ridings fleet sales in Taylorville, IL.
6. The Board approved a lengthy Law Enforcement Services Agreement between St Clair County Transit District and the Sheriff’s department. SCC Transit provides bus and smaller transit van service for our County.
7. The Judiciary Committee forwarded, and we approved an agreement between the Bi-State Development Agency, St Clair County and the Sheriff’s Department. Deputies assigned to Bi-State (Metro Link and other services) are paid for by Bi-State.
8. The Transportation Committee approved, and we validated by vote to award a contract with Thouvenot, Wade and Moerchen, Inc for the preparation of Plans and Specifications for the widening portions of Frank Scott Parkway in the estimated amount of $195, 918. This will be on the portion of Frank Scott Parkway from North Greenmount Road to Cross Street to a five-lane road with proper gutters and drain.s Cross Street is the road that fronts Memorial Shiloh East hospital between O’Fallon and Shiloh.
9. The “Trustee Committee.” which is not as well known as some other committees, managed several thousand dollars in property owners paying their back taxes which provides revenue back to the county and prevents a final tax sale.
10. The board approved a resolution to authorize an agreement between St Clair County and the St Clair County Transit District for the construction of Old Collinsville Road bike trail Phase IV from Frank Scott Parkway to south of Ashland Avenue.
11. Criminal Justice:
a. For the juvenile detention facility, the Director reported we
did not exceed the daily population limit of 38. The facility
processed 378 juveniles: 336 boys and 42 girls.
b. Lt Col Knapp reported the jail population in this reporting
period was an average of 380 daily population with an
approved capacity level of 418 Patrol deputies issued 161
traffic tickets and 130 warnings. There were 1021 “calls for
service” in his reporting period.
c. The Public Defender’s office reported they are representing
1,316 felony cases, with 1,209 full time and 107 part time cases. They closed seventy cases and managed 55 homicide cases in February. One compelling portion of this report is they
managed 17 juvenile abuse cases for a total of 229 so far in
Submitted by Phil Henning, County Board Member District 19
St. Clair County Republican Party
4510 N Illinois St Unit 5, 62226, Swansea