A Message from the new County Chairman
Chairman’s Letter
Last month, I was unanimously elected by my fellow Precinct Committeemen to St. Clair County Republican Party Chairman. It’s a great honor and a responsibility that I take seriously.
We’ve made a lot of progress in St. Clair County over the past four years – sending more Republicans to Springfield and DC with each cycle – but we have a got a long way to go.
Legislation that handcuffs law enforcement and empowers criminals is making our communities less safe. Families are stressed by sky-high inflation that makes putting food on the table difficult and purchasing a home nearly impossible.
We’ve got a lot of work to do over the course of the next year and a half. Our priorities as the St. Clair County Republican Central Committee are as follows:
- Recruit more precinct committeemen across the county. If you’re interested in being a precinct committeemen, contact me at Michael@scilgop.com or fill out the form on our website. Precinct committeemen knock doors in their precinct, distribute yard signs, and recruit Republican Election Judges for their polling place
- Raise money so we can better support our candidates. If you’re able, consider becoming a sustaining member. A contribution at any level will help ensure that we have the resources necessary to continue our mission of turning St. Clair County RED!
- Defending State Representative Kevin Schmidt and defeating Katie Stuart are major priorities for ‘24. You can learn more about Kevin Schmidt here and learn more about Jay Keeven, who is running against Katie Stuart, here. We’ll also be working to elect Republican candidates to local offices, more to come on that in future newsletters.
I’m looking forward to working with our Republican elected officials, precinct committeemen and volunteers to turn St. Clair County RED!
— Michael Butler, St. Clair County Republican Party Chairman
Jay Hoffman Attempt to Protect Katie Stuart and Thwart Jay Keeven Candidacy Fails
Jay Keeven filed his petitions for state representative in the 112th District today (Thurs, May 2nd) at 2:38 PM. We were able to get them submitted an hour before the Senate passed Jay Hoffman’s election interference amendment (SB2142 Amendment 2).
It’s been a whirlwind 24 hours. When we found out about Jay Hoffman’s amendment (which would prohibit slating for legislative offices) we had 270 signatures in-hand. The requirement for filing for State Representative is 500 signatures. We pulled out all the stops and were able to collect 579 signatures in 24 hours, putting us at 849 total signatures.
We wrapped up collecting signatures at 12:45 and then drove a little faster than we should have to Springfield and filed his petitions at the State Board of Elections at 2:38PM. Less than an hour later, the Senate passed Hoffman’s amendment. Friday morning, JB Pritzker signed the legislation into law, but he was a day late! If you live in the 112th, Jay Keeven will be on your ballot this Fall.
It’s obvious that Katie Stuart and House Democrats are scared of Jay Keeven. The past 24 hours show what we can accomplish when we are united and work together towards a common goal.
Thank you to everyone who circulated, encouraged folks to attend our petition event this morning, etc. We couldn’t have done it without you. I have to give a special shoutout to Jennifer Korte, The Annie Frey Show, and Collin Pruiett – three people who went above and beyond to ensure that Jay Keeven will appear on your ballot this Fall.
Countywide candidates still need your signatures to secure their spot on the ballot. The filing deadline is June 3rd. Swing by the headquarters (4510 N Illinois St, Swansea) to sign their petitions or join us at an upcoming Republican event!
Leading up to the November election, you have the opportunity to meet the candidates in a casual setting. You are invited to May’s event in O’Fallon.
April County Board Report
Phil Henning, County Board Member District 19
- Environment Committee. The County reported a total of thirty-seven building permits were issued in March for a total value of $3,356,601.76 million generating $12, 752.28 in fees. In addition, the Committee approved a contract to demolish twenty-nine dwellings in Cahokia Heights and 1 in Belleville. The contract was awarded to the lowest and qualified bidder, Hayes Contracting for $260,780.00. The County also conducted eighty-two occupancy inspections in March.
- Trustee Appointments (these are in the areas of interest):
- Freeburg Fire Protection District- Reappointment of Kenneth Vielweber.
- Marissa Fire Protection District- Reappointment of Steuart McClintock
- Millstadt Rural Fire Protection District- Reappointment of Todd Groesch and Robert Wolfmeier
- Smithton Fire Protection District- Reappointment of Terry Grommett
- St Libory Fire Protection District- Mark Scheiper
- Appointment- Member St Clair County Transit District- Patty Gregory (Mayor of Belleville) to complete the unexpired term of Herb Simmon due to his resignation effective immediately and expiring on December 31, 2027.
- Emergency Readiness Committee- Approval of a funding Agreement with St Clair County Emergency Services Association I the amount of $48,000.
- Resolution 2918-24-R. Approval and adoption of the Updates to the St Clair Mult-Hazard Mitigation Plan. Kern stated this is a comprehensive 795 page “all hazards” plan that was coordinated with all government bodies in St Clair County.
- Finance Committee.
- Ordinance #24-1295. County Official’s Salaries. We approved a four-year adjusted pay increase for elected county officials. The basic salary for full time county wide officials will eventually increase to $107,000. Note: The Sheriff and the State’s Attorney salary is a combination of county and state funding. County Board members will not see an increase until 2027 which will be about $200 per year. The average 4-year increase is about 1.3%. The County Board Chairman is currently paid $95,899 (well below similar county board chairman salary) and will see an 11% increase in 2025 to $106,540 and then to $110, 464 in 2028. There were three no votes.
- Ordinance #24-1296. Proposed Tax Levy Abatement. As reported by Ed Cockrell and myself in other forums and the November Tax meeting, the County Levy and Abated Tax Levy went from $78, 779,332 (approved by the Board with I believe four no votes in November) down to $48, 915,562 which is the final County Operations Budget. I spoke in November and suggested a more logical amount, such as $55,000,000. The actual budget from 2023 to 2024 increased about 3.5%. Ed Cockrell, Andy Bittle, Kevin Dawson, and I voted against the abatement. In this regard, the County is claiming a $29,863,830 abatement.
- Approval of Lease Agreement. The Board approved a lease agreement between St Clair County Transit District and St Clair County for the Emerson Park Public Safety Building. The County Emergency Communications Center will be relocated in renovated and more space in this building.
- Transportation Committee.
- Resolution #2919-24-RT. The Board approved authorizing additional funding in contract with Oates Associates for the environmental study for the extension of Frank Scott Parkway East from Cross Street to IL Route 158 in the amount of $75,000.
- Resolution #2920-24-RT. Authorizing the release of the Retainer to Horner & Shifron, Inc for the widening of North Greenmount Road in the amount of $69,363.33
- #2921-24-RT. Authorizing additional funds to Horner & Shifrin, Inc for the widening of North Green Mount Road in the amount of $234,898.
- Trustee Committee. We approved Resolution #2922-24-R for action on delinquent taxes.
- Public Safety Committee. The committee received reports from Juvenile division and Lt Col Tom Knapp, St Clair Count Sheriff’s Department.
- The daily capacity of the Juvenile Detention Center did not exceed 38. The average population from March 7 to April 8 was 16 boys and one girl. The highest daily was 19 boys and 3 girls.
- Lt Col Knapp reported the average daily population for the period of March 20 to April 23rd of the SCC Jail was 360 with one day having a population of 394. He also reported there were 16 misdemeanor and 232 felony level arrests by Deputies, 232 tickets were issued and 1707 calls for service.
- The County Public Defender’s office reported they represented 1,467 felony cases, and 151 cases assigned to the Office for March. They closed 92 cases in March. One murder case was assigned to them in March.
- County Health Department. The department’s report showed the following activities:
- 595 health inspections to date. 11 well permits issued to date. 23 private sewage permits have been issued to date.
- They also managed dozens to over 2,000 specific communicable disease cases so far this year.
- They also aided and public outreach on Narcan, CPR and other procedures to the public.
What is ‘slating candidates’?
The process of becoming a candidate is a series of decisions during seven months leading up to the election.
>Do I want to run for this office? [September 2023]
>Getting the candidate packet which includes petitions for collecting signatures. [October 2023]
>Submitting the required number of signatures to get on the primary ballot. [December 2023]
>Primary election [March 2024]
>Those who get more votes than their same-party-competition in the Primary election will advance to the General Election [November 2024] ballot.
You probably noticed on your Republican ballot in March, several offices had no Republican names listed. State law allows the recognized political parties to “slate” candidates after the primary election. These persons have to be approved by the county party, collect the same number of signatures as if in the primary, submit them by the assigned deadline, and if enough signatures pass examination, the ‘slated’ candidate will be on the November ballot.
In St Clair we have slated several candidates who are currently collecting signatures to pass the stringent examination by the opposition. Those petitions are currently at our office–stop by and add your name to the petitions. The goal is to get nearly double the required number of signatures to assure inclusion on the November ballot.
Signatures are needed for these slated candidates:
Ryan Musick, St Clair County Board Chairman
Cindi McDonald, Circuit Clerk
Brian Triska, Board of Review
Jason Madlock, Recorder of Deeds
Pictures and introductions of all our candidates will be featured in the coming months.
The Republican Women’s Club has a new meeting location, Silver Creek in Belleville. Their May 6th meeting will feature the newly elected GOP County Chairman, Michael Butler, and all the available Republican candidates who will be on the November ballot. Everyone (men included!) are invited to come hear about the direction the County is headed. Dinner and social hour start at 6pm and the meeting begins at 7pm.
April showers bring May flowers…or would you rather be on the green at our annual Chairman’s Golf Tournament? Lou Fusz is a corporate sponsor and The Annie Frey Show from 97.1 radio will be broadcasting live. Registration is still open for golfers and sponsors. Sign up online here. Checks can be dropped off at the office in Swansea.
Southern IL to host the Illinois GOP State Convention–first time in 20 years!
The Illinois GOP State Convention is this month–in Collinsville! Delegates have already been appointed but the general public can attend the recpetions, general sessions, trainings, and observe the committees at work. Registration is required online or at the door. Fellow Republicans are gathering from across the state for business and pleasure. Candidates for local and state offices will be attending the May 24-25th event.
St. Clair County Republicans,
Congratulations to all of the newly elected, or for many of you re-elected, precinct committeemen! I would also like to congratulate Michael Butler on becoming the new County Chairman and thank Cheryl Mathews for her service and dedication.
It is an exciting time to be a Republican in Southern Illinois. As all of you know, the Illinois Republican Party’s State Convention is being held in Collinsville on May 24th & 25th. Please make plans to attend and have your voice heard. We must ensure that our Southern Illinois conservative values are reflected within the State Party. You can attend even if you are not a delegate as there will be many things to do and be involved with. Visit rcca.gop and click the events tab for more information and to register.
We have some tremendous candidates up-and-down the ballot that need our help. From the local level to the White House, I cannot stress how important this election is. We must continue doing everything we can to help elect Republicans and turn our state and nation in the right direction. I am thankful and honored to have been elected as a Delegate where I will attend the RNC National Convention. The National Convention will be held in Milwaukee in July, and I will proudly cast my vote for Donald Trump to be our Republican nominee for President. With all of your help, we will retire Joe Biden and Make America Great Again. Let’s work hard for a Red Wave!
Lastly, on behalf of Congressman Mike Bost I would like to thank all of you for the strong support during the March 19th Primary. Team Bost received 73% of the vote in St. Clair County -truly an honor. Your friendship and support mean so much and we cannot thank you enough. On to November!
With gratitude,
Myles Nelson
13th District State Central Committeeman
Dean Darnall is our candidate for County Coroner. He has the experience, knowledge, and compassion to serve St Clair well in this capacity. He will be at the candidate events we sponsor but show your support by attending his May fundraiser. Food, music, and Dean! He will bring energy and hands-on participation to this office which has been lacking under the current office holder. Support our Republican candidate.
Rep. Kevin Schmidt won the upset victory in 2022 over incumbent LaToya Greenwood. He has been a true representative of his constituents and ought to return to Springfield to continue his role in House District 114. We can partner with Kevin and keep this seat red by attending this summer fundraiser or just donating to his campaign.
Kevin battles on the floor of the House to help the people in this state. It’s too bad the Democrats use their majority against the good of the people. Check out this video exposing their tactics.