From The Chairman
The 2022 General Election is 35 days away! Our candidates are running outstanding campaigns that are resonating with St. Clair County voters. Please continue to do all you can to ensure that you understand our candidates’ positions and can defend them when confronted with Democrat misinformation.
This is particularly true at this stage of the election cycle. The Democrats are running scared because of the strength of our candidates’ campaigns and how well their common sense policies align with St. Clair County citizens’ values. As you’ve likely seen and heard via TV, radio, social media, mail, etc., the Democrats are beginning to resort to false accusations about our candidates’ positions on many issues. Don’t let that misinformation go unchallenged in conversations with friends and neighbors and on social media! The Democrats are clearly trying to deflect from their disastrous policies which are lowering the quality of life for St. Clair County citizens – inflation, lower real wages, a failed economy, skyrocketing crime, a no-bail law – passed in the middle of the night with no debate – which will release violent criminals into our communities, and a sex ed law that virtually every school board has opted out of.
If you have any questions about our candidates or their policies, please check out our candidates’ websites and/or Facebook pages – listed below in the newsletter, attend their candidate events, call our office at 618-416-7370, or send me an email at chairman@scilgop.com.
Lastly, it’s extremely important to ensure that you, your friends, and your neighbors get out and VOTE! We have an outstanding opportunity to change the direction of our country, state, and county if we all cast our ballots for our candidates. Remember, Republican votes that don’t get cast end up electing Democrats to office!
Thanks for all of continued help in our effort to turn St. Clair County red in 2022!
Cheryl Mathews
St. Clair County Republican Party Voters’ Postcard
Pick up your voter’s postcard from your Precinct Committeeman or at our office at 4510 N Illinois Street #5 in Swansea – or just print the one below. These postcards can be taken into the polling place and used as you vote. If you take a printed copy into the polling place, please take it home with you as leaving it in the polling place would constitute electioneering.
In addition to supporting our candidates in the General Election, please remember to Vote No! on the retention of Judge Judy Cates to the Illinois 5th District Appellate Court and to Vote No! on Amendment 1.
Candidate Websites
County Board Candidates
State Representative Candidates
State Senate Candidates
Countywide Candidates
Circuit Judge Candidates
Statewide Candidates
Governor/Lt. Governor: Darren Bailey and Stephanie Trussel – https://baileyforillinois.com
Federal Candidates
Candidate Interviews
Please check out our YouTube Channel and view interviews of our State Senator, State Representative, and Countywide candidates:
Let’s aggressively support all of our candidates, both politically and financially, and get out and VOTE in the General Election!
October Candidate’s Table
Please join us at the last Candidate’s Table prior to the General Election! We’re holding it at the Party HQ on Wednesday, Oct 12th in order to make it easier for you to pick up candidate signs to place in your yards and in easements on busy streets in your town. Let’s help our candidates get exposed to the voters in your neighborhood and in your town!
Early Voting For The 2022 Midterms
Early Voting – County Clerk’s Office:
St. Clair County Clerk’s Office
Election Department, 2nd Floor
10 Public Square, Belleville, IL 62220
Weekdays: Sep 29 – Nov 7 from 9AM – 5PM
Permanent Early Voting Sites:
The Rec Complex
9950 Bunkum Road
Fairview Heights, IL 62208
O’Fallon Township Office
801 East State Street
O’Fallon, IL 62269
Oct 24 – Oct 28 from 9AM – 5PM
Oct 31 – Nov 4 from 9AM – 7PM
Nov 7 from 9AM – 7PM
Sat, Oct 29 from 9AM – Noon
Sun, Oct 30 from 10AM – 4PM
Sat, Nov 5 from 9AM – 5PM
Sun, Nov 6 from 10AM – 4PM
Temporary Early Voting Sites:
Cahokia High School
800 Range Lane
Cahokia, IL 62206
Sat, Oct 22 from 11AM – 4PM
Whiteside Middle School
111 Warrior Way
Belleville, IL 62221
Sat, Oct 22 from 9AM – 2PM
Vote By Mail (VBM) For The 2022 Midterms
For those who requested Mail-in ballots, the ballots were sent out starting on September 29, 2022. Mail-in ballots can still be requested on-line at:
Please consider a mail-in ballot if there is any chance that you will be unable to vote early or vote at the polls on November 8, 2022.
After you receive the ballot, vote in the comfort of your own home and do your due diligence on the candidates just as though you were voting in person. Once you’ve completed the ballot, don’t mail it back. Put the ballot in the envelope provided, and hand carry it to the County Election Department, the dropbox in front of the Courthouse, or an Early Voting place prior to Nov 8th. If hand carrying it yourself isn’t an option, call your Precinct Committeeman or our office at 618-416-7370 and ask for someone to pick it up for you. if you asked for a ballot to be mailed to you, but later decide to vote in person, you MUST take the mailed ballot to the polling place to surrender it before getting a ballot to use on site.
As much as it grates on Republicans to use VBM, the more early voting and vote-by-mail ballots we can get, the more we can dilute the Democrat vote. They have been perfecting the process of vote-by-mail, and we need to match it.
Required County Election Judge Training – Election Judges And Poll Watchers Still Needed!
County election judge training sessions will be held at Belleville West High School on Thursday, Oct 20th at 6:30PM and on Friday, Oct 21st at both 10AM and 1:30PM. Election judges must attend one of these three sessions in order to receive the maximum payment for working as a judge.
It’s still not too late to sign up to be an election judge. They are needed at early voting sites, to view the the opening of VBM envelopes, on election day, and after Election Day to complete the opening of VBM envelopes.
We also still need poll watchers for election day, especially for polling sites prone to voter fraud.
Please contact Cheryl Mathews, chairman@scilgop.com, if you’re interested in either role.
Five IL States Attorneys File Lawsuits Against The SAFE-T Act
The SAFE-T Act, passed during the IL legislature’s 2021 lame duck session by IL Democrats, is a 764 page, no-bail bill which was voted on at 3AM after legislators had only 40 minutes to review the final version created by the Democrats’ progressive activists. Despite it creating, changing, or touching 40 state statutes, there was no opportunity for IL States Attorneys, Police Chiefs, Sheriffs, or citizens to comment on the bill despite it obviously lowering the safety and security of IL citizens.
Fundamentally, The SAFE-T Act states that all defendants “shall be presumed eligible” for pretrial release unless prosecutors present “clear and convincing” evidence to deny the suspect pretrial release, such as proof that the suspect committed the crime and poses a threat to the physical safety of a “specific, identifiable” person.
Prosecutors are required to submit a request for detention if the offender committed a crime that poses a significant threat to public safety of an individual or community.
The state is also required to provide each suspect a hearing within 48 hours to determine if the suspect should be released.
IL States Attorneys say it’s nearly impossible to provide evidence needed within 48 hours since it takes time to review body and surveillance cameras and crime labs take time to process evidence. Because of this, many defendants accused of violent crimes will be released back onto the streets to commit new crimes. We have empirical evidence to back this up as data from the outcome of New York City’s no-bail law specifically shows that bail reform in the city was followed by a significant increase in criminal reoffending while waiting for trial. Please read this article from City Journal for the details – https://tinyurl.com/529mry4h.
Because of their concern over the impact of the SAFE-T Act on IL citizens, five IL States Attorneys – including two Democrat States Attorneys, from Will, McHenry, Grundy, Kankakee, and Vermillion Counties, have filed lawsuits against JB Pritzker and IL Attorney General Kwame Raoul in an attempt to prevent the law from going into effect on Jan 1, 2023. We hope they have success in the courts given that our Democrat legislators completely ignored our safety and security when they voted for this bill in the middle of the night after not having had the time to read it.
It’s time to show your displeasure with the IL Democrat Party’s willingness to sacrifice your safety and security in order to keep their progressive activists happy. Vote Republican!
Despite IL Democrats’ Claims That Passing The “Keeping Youth Safe and Healthy Act” Was Done For Their Constituents, All But One County School District Opts Out
In 2021, IL Democrats passed IL SB0818, the Keeping Youth Safe And Healthy Act, which JB Pritzker then signed into law. As with most Democrat misinformation, the reality of this law couldn’t be any further from its title. SB0818 enshrined age-inappropriate progressive National Sex Education Standards into recommendations for IL school districts.
Despite IL Democrats’ claims that the bill was passed for the safety and health of our children, all but one local school in St. Clair County has opted out of the implementation of these age-inappropriate progressive teaching standards. It’s abundantly clear that no one in the Democrat Party spoke to parents about the standards which were to be hoisted on their children. Once again, it’s because IL Democrats care more for their progressive activists than they care for their constituents.
For more information about the age-inappropriate material that IL Democrats’ tried to put into our children’s/grandchildren’s classrooms, please visit:
April 2023 Consolidated Election – Mayoral Races, Trustee Races, School Board Races, and Library Board Races
Those interested in running for mayor, trustee, school board, or library board need to be collecting signatures on petitions for candidacy now to ensure they will appear on the appropriate ballots. Petitions must be submitted in early December. Please visit your city halls, school district offices, or libraries for the appropriate candidate packets.
Please consider running as a candidate for these important positions in your town. So often, it’s these positions that open the doors to progressive ideas that are counter to southern IL values. As an example, Caseyville’s Library Board has sponsored Drag Queen shows for children at the Caseyville library.
St. Clair County Republican Party Reagan Day Dinner on Thursday, Oct 6, 2022
We look forward to seeing you at our Reagan Day Dinner on Oct 6, 2022 at Bellecourt Manor, 225 East A Street, Belleville!
VOTE NO! On Amendment 1
A vote for amendment 1 will give the state’s government unions the strongest powers in the country, leading to more tax hikes and less parents’ rights!
More specifically, Amendment 1 would:
Make Illinois the nation’s extreme outlier when it comes to giving government unions power over taxpayers. Illinois would go further than any other state in the country by cementing public union powers and “rights” directly into the Illinois Constitution.
Force private sector workers to join unions as a condition of employment. The amendment’s ban of Right-to-Work would deprive private sector workers of ever having the freedom to choose whether or not to join a union.
Ensure Illinoisans’ property taxes, already the nation’s highest, will rise even faster. The vast increase in government union powers, coupled with lawmakers’ inability to “diminish” union bargaining rights going forward, means property taxes would rise faster than in the past
Strip lawmakers of their power to pass needed labor and spending reforms. Amendment 1 would rob Illinoisans of representation in Springfield. It says new laws can’t “interfere with, negate, or diminish” public sector rights, blocking the Illinois legislature from passing needed reforms.
Deprive parents of their right to have a say in their children’s education. The public sector’s new “economic welfare” and “safety” rights would mean teacher unions could negotiate issues like sexuality education directly into their labor contracts, with parents and lawmakers having no way to stop them.
Mean more small businesses and entrepreneurs will flee Illinois. Higher taxes and an outright ban on Right-to-Work laws would harm Illinois’ economic competitiveness, causing more people and companies to flee to other states.
For more information on the negative outcomes which would be delivered by Amendment 1, please visit:
VOTE NO! On Amendment 1.
2022 St. Clair County Republican Party Membership Drive
The results of this year’s midterm elections will determine how broadly our core values will be realized in 2022 and beyond. In order to accelerate our efforts to elect Republicans to office, we’re asking for your continued support during our 2022 Membership Drive. Please join/renew your membership at our Party membership page (https://tinyurl.com/2p8rbm77).
Here’s to the success of our Republican candidates in 2022!
Rally for Darren Bailey on Oct 19th at the St. Clair County Courthouse
Please join us on Wednesday, Oct 19th for a Rally for Darren Bailey on the steps of the St. Clair County Courthouse!
Recent polls show Darren within striking distance of JB Pritzker. Let’s help him #FirePritzker!