The 2022 General Election
From The Chairman
The 2022 General Election is 64 days away! It’s time to ensure that we’re as informed as possible about the candidates that are running for office at the national, state, and county levels before we cast our ballots.
In addition to the information included in this newsletter, and in past and future newsletters, please visit our website,; attend candidate events; call our office at 618-416-7370; or send me an email at to get the information you need to make an informed decision.
Now is also the time for potential school board candidates to make the decision to run for a local school board position in our April 2023 Consolidated Election. In this newsletter, we list the County school board positions that will be open in April 2023. Please consider these important roles as they are crucial in determining the educational outcomes our children and grandchildren will experience.
Lastly, it’s extremely important to become and stay energized for this General Election. We have an outstanding opportunity to change the direction of our country, state, and county if we simply get out and vote. Make sure your friends and neighbors are voting too! We can’t leave our future to chance.
Thanks for all of your help in our effort to turn St. Clair County red in 2022!
Cheryl Mathews
St. Clair County Republican Party Voters Postcard
Pick up your voter’s postcard from your Precinct Committeeman or at our office at 4510 N Illinois Street #5 in Swansea. These postcards can be taken into the polling place and used as you vote. If you take a printed copy into the polling place, please take it home with you as leaving it in the polling place would constitute electioneering.
Vote Red To Turn St. Clair County Around!
We’re fielding our strongest set of candidates for countywide office in decades:
Justin Biggs – Sheriff
Doug Jameson – Board of Review
David Langford – County Clerk
David Lindquist – Treasurer
Cindi McDonald – Circuit Clerk
We need to elect these five into the executive offices of the County in order to make our County departments responsive to County citizens.
To become the majority in the County Board, we need to win 15 seats in November. We have outstanding candidates for 25 of the 28 County Districts. Let’s take control of the Board and reverse the negative economic and population growth for the benefit of our children and our grandchildren.
This is our year to ensure that our core values of Freedom, Equality, Opportunity, Limited Government, Low Taxes, Strong National Security, and The Right To Life are instilled in St. Clair County government.
Let’s aggressively support our candidates, both politically and financially, and get out and VOTE in the General Election!
VOTE NO! On The Retention Of Illinois 5th District Appellate Court Justice Judy Cates
Cates ran a highly unethical IL Supreme Court campaign against Justice David Overstreet in 2020 and lost by 26 points. Specifically, Cates blasted Overstreet for his concurrence in an opinion giving a second trial to a child rapist suspect convicted in absentia by a Marion County judge in 2017. The accused, Jerad Peoples, missed his trial because he was sleeping off effects of drugs used in an attempted suicide.
A $421,000 attack funded by trial lawyers exploiting the Peoples decision played out in TV commercials and other media, and drew sharp criticism from Overstreet supporters – including a sitting appellate judge and colleague of Cates (Milton Wharton) and former Edwards County circuit judge David Frankland who wrote that the advertising distorted the truth.
Wharton wrote in a social media post that it was his decision to grant Peoples a new trial, but it did not release him from charges.
“I take the strongest personal and professional offense to the campaign of distortion waged by Justice Judy Cates and some of her supporters against my ruling for, in my opinion, an attempted political advantage,” Wharton wrote. “This decision was issued by me months ago and I have been in repeated contact with her, yet she never voiced any objection to me or even mentioned this case until recently in her campaign.”
We don’t need unethical justices on the Illinois 5th District Appellate Court that don’t have the trust of other justices on the court. VOTE NO! on the retention of Justice Judy Cates. As a reminder, not answering the question on the ballot is the same thing as a vote for retention.
Voting For The 2022 Midterms Starts On Sep 29th!
Early Voting for the November 8, 2022 General Election is only 24 days away – starting on September 29, 2022! There’s no time to waste to ensure you’re prepared to cast your ballot for our Federal, State, and County Republican candidates!
Early Voting locations in St. Clair County will include:
The County Courthouse
O’Fallon Township Building
Fairview Heights Rec Center
In addition to casting your ballot via early voting or via voting at the polls on November 8, 2022, you may also respond to County Clerk Tom Hoilbrook’s letter providing you with an opportunity to be sent a mail-in ballot. Mail-in ballots will be mailed out starting on September 29, 2022 and can also be requested on-line at:
Please consider a mail-in ballot if there is any chance that you will be unable to vote early or vote at the polls on November 8, 2022. If you decide to vote by mail, our recommendation is to select the one time Vote By Mail (VBM) option.
After you receive the ballot, vote in the comfort of your own home and due your due diligence on the candidates just as though you were voting in person. Once you’ve completed the ballot, don’t mail it back. Put the ballot in the envelope provided, and hand carry it to the County Election Department, the dropbox in front of the Courthouse, or an Early Voting place prior to Nov 8th. If hand carrying it yourself isn’t an option, your Precinct Committeeman or our office at 618-416-7370 and ask for someone to pick it up for you. if you ask for a ballot to be mailed to you, but later decide to vote in person, you MUST take the mailed ballot to the polling place to surrender it before getting a ballot to use on site.
As much as it grates on Republicans to use VBM, the more early voting and vote-by-mail ballots we can get, the more we can dilute the Democrat vote. They have been perfecting the process of vote-by-mail, and we need to match it.
A List Of The Progressive Policies Turned Into Law By The IL Democrat Party
IL Democrats have turned into the most reliable votes in the nation for progressive policies pushed by the Democrats’ activist class. Virtually none of the laws they’ve passed align with southern IL values. In fact, one of their most disgraceful new laws, the laughably-named “Keeping Youth Safe and Healthy Act,” has been opted-out of by almost all of the school districts in St. Clair County.
They no longer consider the will of their constituents because they actually don’t believe they will ever be voted out of office. It’s time to show them just how wrong they are.
- The SAFE-T Act (HB 3653) which defunds the police and removes the use of bail, even for suspected murderers.
- The Keeping Youth Safe and Healthy Act (SB 818) which introduces age-inappropriate material in IL classrooms.
- The Reproductive Health Act (SB 25) which allows for abortions through all 9 months of pregnancy.
- The Repeal of the Parental Notification Act (HB 370) which allows 13-yr-olds to get abortions WITHOUT parental consent
- An Amendment to the School Code and the Board of Higher Education Act (HB 2789) which gives the IL government the power to shut down private and home schools during “health emergencies.”
- An Amendment to the School Code (HB156) which mandates the placement of feminine hygiene products in boys bathrooms.
- The Keep IL Families Together Act (HB1637) which makes IL a sanctuary state for illegal immigrants.
Your Actions Have Convinced County School Districts To Opt Out Of The Keeping Youth Safe and Healthy Act
In 2021, IL Democrats passed IL SB0818, the Keeping Youth Safe And Healthy Act, which JB Pritzker then signed into law. As with most Democrat misinformation, the reality of this law couldn’t be any further from its title. SB0818 enshrined age-inappropriate progressive National Sex Education Standards into recommendations for IL school districts.
Because IL Democrat leadership knew IL parents overwhelmingly rejected these standards and would revolt if they were forced on their children, they included an opt-out capability for school districts and parents. The great news for IL children is that the vast majority of school districts appear to be opting out of the standards.
Below is the current status on St. Clair County school districts’ decisions as to whether they’re going to opt out of the standards. Through your actions, there is only one remaining school district, East St. Louis School District 189, shown in red below, that currently plans to opt into these age-inappropriate standards.
This issue simply reinforces the importance of your children’s/grandchildren’s school boards to what is being exposed to them. Ensure you know who is on your school board and how they vote.
April 2023 Consolidated Election – Mayoral Races, School Boards, and Library Boards
As we continue to work with our candidates leading up to the General Election in November, we’re also looking ahead to the Consolidated Election in April 2023. There will be some mayoral races, but there will be many school and library board elections.
Given our members’ concerns over the attempted indoctrination of their children and grandchildren with age-inappropriate material in schools and libraries, we want to ensure that we’re prepared to influence the outcomes of those elections. Interested parents or grandparents who would like to protect our next generation need to be involved. That election cycle will begin in earnest August-Sept with candidate petitions.
To our current knowledge, below is the number of the seats which will be up for election on each school board in St. Clair County in April 2023. Please consider running for one of these important positions in your local school district! As a school board member, you’ll be in the position to ensure progressive dogma like the age-inappropriate content in SB0818 never reaches our classrooms.
Belle Valley School District 119 – 4 seats
Belleville School District 118 – 4 seats
Belleville Township High School District 201 – 5 seats
Cahokia Community Unit School District 187 – 5 seats
Central School District 104 – 4 seats
Dupo Community Unit District 196 – 3 seats
East St. Louis School District 189 – 7 seats
Freeburg Grade School, District 70 – 3 seats
Freeburg High School District 77 – 3 seats
Grant School District 110 – 5 seats
Harmony Emge School District 175 – 6 seats
High Mount School District 116 – 4 seats
Lebanon School District 9 – 3 seats
Marissa School District 40 – 3 seats
Mascoutah School District 19 – 3 seats
Millstadt School District 160 – 3 seats
New Athens School District 60 – 5 seats
O’Fallon School District 90 – 3 seats
O’Fallon Township High School District – 3 seats
Pontiac School District 105 – 4 seats
Smithon School District 130 – 3 seats
Signal Hill School District 181 – 5 seats
St. Libory School District 30 – 6 seats
Whiteside School District 115 – 4 seats
Wolf Branch School District 113 – 5 seats
St. Clair County Republican Party Reagan Day Dinner on Thursday, Oct 6, 2022
Mark your calendars for our Reagan Day Dinner on Oct 6, 2022 at Bellecourt Manor, 225 East A Street, Belleville!
Guest Check-In/Social w/Cash Bar: 5-6PM
Gourmet Buffet Dinner: 6-7:30PM
Tickets $40/person & $75/Couple
Cocktail/Business Casual Attire
Silent Auction & 50/50
RSVP by September 29th, 2022
A Big Labor Takeover in Illinois – The Wall Street Journal Says VOTE NO! On Amendment 1
Amendment 1 would further entrench the power of public unions.
Public unions already dominate government in Illinois, and Democratic lawmakers now want to amend the constitution to entrench that power and block reforms. Those are the stakes of Amendment 1, which will appear on the November ballot.
Democratic supermajorities in the state House and Senate voted last year to put the measure before voters. Amendment 1 would change the Illinois Constitution to read that “employees shall have the fundamental right to organize and to bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing for the purpose of negotiating wages, hours, and working conditions, and to protect their economic welfare and safety at work.”
The National Labor Relations Act already governs private workers and limits who can bargain about what. Illinois can’t expand the collective-bargaining rights of private employees beyond what federal law allows.
Democratic state Sen. Ram Villivalam, who is sponsoring the measure, admitted as much last year. “The Amendment refers to ‘employees,’ and not workers or individuals,” he said. “This was done with intention. As the Members of the House should be aware, the National Labor Relations Act governs organizing and collective bargaining in the private sector and, as such, preempts any direct State regulation on the subject.” He added that Amendment 1 thus “could not apply to the private sector.”
Proponents nonetheless advertise Amendment 1 as protection for “all Illinoisans.” This looks like an intentional attempt to mislead voters, since the union-backed Vote Yes for Workers’ Rights also claims this will benefit “first responders like nurses, firefighters, and EMTs”—categories that include private workers.
Wages and hours are already fair game for bargaining under federal and state law. But Amendment 1 would expand eligible subjects to include anything that affects workers’ “economic welfare and safety at work.”
If you think teachers unions are powerful now, wait until this passes. Amendment 1 would bar the Legislature from passing anything that “interferes with, negates, or diminishes the right of employees to organize and bargain collectively over their wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment and work place safety.”
The Illinois Policy Institute, a free-market think tank, says this means that “contracts created under Amendment 1 will carry the weight of the constitution, allowing government unions to override state laws.” It has identified more than 350 state laws the amendment may imperil, and Amendment 1 also includes an explicit prohibition on a right-to-work law.
The Illinois Policy Institute and the Liberty Justice Center, a public interest litigation firm, sued this spring to block Amendment 1 from the November ballot. Because the plain language of the text contradicts the National Labor Relations Act, they say it violates the Supremacy Clause of the U.S. Constitution.
They lost in county circuit court and on Friday in state appellate court, and they plan to ask the Illinois Supreme Court to hear the case. But it appears that voters will now have to prevent this union takeover of state government and its dire implications for education and the state economy and public finances.
2022 St. Clair County Republican Party Membership Drive
The results of this year’s midterm elections will determine how broadly our core values will be realized in 2022 and beyond. In order to accelerate our efforts to elect Republicans to office, we’re asking for your continued support during our 2022 Membership Drive. Please join/renew your membership at our Party membership page (
Here’s to the success of our Republican candidates in 2022!